Battalion – 7.28.21

16 PAX showed up to beat down in the gloom and get 28 times sweaty 
PAX @Joey Freshwater @Rudolph @Lone Star @Three’s Company @Soul Glo @MapQuest @Thin Mint @Veronica @Commodore @Underoos @Snooki @Night Light @Heidi (1st F Q) @Betamax
FNG: Phillip (Clipboard )
QIC- @Jalisco

Circle up, grit lab 30 seconds high knees/30 seconds climber alternate Q call for switch (no rest) mumblechatter start here, next month everyone better join the grit lab challenge.
Mosey to football field for the thang.
Thang to time
4 sets of 14
Crab touch toes

Bear crawl to middle of field and repeat the sets,then another :bear:crawl to the other side across the football field and repeat the sets, keep doing this till time is calling.

Lots of CSAUPs stay tuned on slack
# ao-Prime time this afternoon

Praise to @Veronica he got the job :boom:
@Cross-Stitch sister for good news on health
@Yaris and his marriage
@Baby Gap is back
@Soul Glo brother health
@Milkshake back recovery
@Ginsu and @Fertile Myrtle's  recovery

Share a quote from the book We being listening with my 2.0’s “The Knight with the Rusty Armor”
This knight could fight in fierce battles against everything he saw as evil. But at no point did he realize that there was an enemy inside him. He never noticed the angry dragon inside him that had trapped his true self.
The truth is that, in some way or another, we all get up every day with our own rusty armor on. It’s what we use to cover up things inside that we haven’t worked through. It’s the resistance that holds our real self in.
Thanks everyone for the support today, I hope you had every sweat drop worth it.
@Jalisco Out

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