Battle Creek – 02.11.22

“Amazing Grace”
PAX: @Dizzy Gillespie (F3 Dads)@Heidi (1st F Q)@Offsides@Joey Freshwater@Hot Mic (Tribute)@Jalisco
FNGs: none
Q: @Tiny Dancer
Count: 7
50 SSH
10 squats
100 merkin buyin
Thang 1
player 1 – timer, runs from sidewalk to near bball field and does 10 burpee-deadlifts with the 80#sb; run back
Player 2 (all with sbs) – 5 cleans, 6 presses, 7 squats
Thang 2 – Dora until time
30 sb getups
30 endorphins
30 sb squats
Runner double times either an 80sb or 100sb down from near bball field to sidewalk and back.
Prayer requests:
@Heidi (1st F Q) going through a storm involving his family.
YHC’s murder cases on the docket today (everything worked out well).
cannonball run is coming!
Bl. Bartololo Longo was a lawyer who was raised a Catholic, but fell away from the faith when he went to college. He eventually became involved in the occult to such an extent that he became an ordained satanic priest. After bouts with severe anxiety and depression, he sought counsel with a Catholic priest, who guided him back to Christ. Longo himself became a Dominican priest and became one of the great promoters of the Rosary, leading many to Christ. He was beatified in 1980.
How many possible Bartolo Longos are in Scottsdale right now at satancon? How many are in our own lives? While Our Lord can easily give them the grace of repentance, it is to His greater glory that He works through us. Pray, fast, and always be ready to give charitable witness and share the Gospel when called upon.
1 Tim 2:3 – “[3] For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour, [4] Who will have all men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
TD out

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