Proving Grounds – 8.19.21

9 HIM got wetter to get better on the F3SH south side. We took it easy on the legs and stayed strong for Crucible.
PAX: @Tijuana @Wiggums @Rudolph @taco libre @Soul Glo @Yaris @Jalisco @Underoos @Operation
FNGs: @Wiggums
Q: @Operation

Some exercises and stretches.
Bear crawl from the parking lot to the creek entrance. For leaving the shovel flag at Battalion, @Rudolph did it with a coupon, as did @Operation as the one dishing out the punishment.
Creek Dora-ish
Form 3 teams of 3. P1 starts on one side of the creek, P2 starts on the other. P3 starts off running from P1 to P3, going across the creek. The price for passage across the creek is a Superman burpee (Superman at the bottom of the burpee) in the creek for each crossing. P3 then tags P2 and takes his place, while P2 goes back to P1 to take his. Continue this three-man rotation while one side of the creek does froggy crunches and the other side does the following exercises, cumulatively as a team:
100 merkins
200 Carolina dry docks
300 clover pickers
Crawl bear back to the parking lot, rotating turns on the coupons. Time called right as we got back to the lot.
New AO at Harvey park next Tuesday
Prayer Requests
Praise @Tijuana Boy Scout fundraiser
@Yaris having good days, continued prayers for support during the bad
@taco libre stress at work, keeping him up at night
I’ve gotten a lot of practice, including this week, dealing with my son’s anger-induced outbursts, which inspired today’s moleskin. I encouraged everyone to not let someone else’s demeanor keep you to lose your calm in contentious situations. When things get hot, take a second to mentally pause, and realize things will always end up better if you keep control of your words and actions.
Op Out

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