Proving Grounds – 8.05/.21

10 HIM teamed up to conquer the gloom this morning at Proving Grounds: @Veronica, @Three’s Company, @Pancreas (Nant’an), @Commodore, @Snooki, @Hot Mic, @Ginsu, @Joey Freshwater, @Underoos, and YHC @Rudolph.


Thang: Meet in the middle
Separate into 2 teams and move to opposite sides of the parking lot. Perform the following until we meet in the middle.
Q calls 2 exercises from the list below. Each team leader chooses one. AMRAP for 90 seconds, then move to the next line. Repeat 25 times.
Core: Flutter kicks, Scissor kicks, Low boat hold, 6 inch hold, American hammers, Windshield wipers, LBCs, Low plank
Upper body: Merkins, Carolina dry docks, Moroccan Night Clubs, Diamond merkins, Chest-to-ground merkins, Side-to-side merkins, Overhead air presses, Shoulder taps
Many events in coming months
Beacon hill tomorrow
Prayer Requests
@Underoos has dr appointment today
@Commodore has job interview today. God’s will be done.
Currently in Q Source, mammon, prayer, and study. In “Toward God” by Michael Casey, the author speaks about the power of honestly and vulnerably sharing our desires with God:
“Whenever we pray we look up from our emptiness toward an unseen abundance, and ask to be filled. This may seem to reduce prayer to acquisitiveness…Sometimes prayers are made inappropriately, but in the long term this is no real problem: praying tends to straighten things out. We should pray as we feel, leaving it to God to sort out what is genuine prayer and what is delusion. Jesus told us forthrightly to ask, to knock, and to keep on seeking. He tells us not to hesitate in our prayer, as though discerning whether it is appropriate (Mark 11:23, James 1:6). We are to be confident that our father is too indulgent to bother about minor slips of form (Matthew 6:8).”

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