Darkhorse – 10.16.21

5 HIM showed up
@OPIE @Buckeye @The Boot @Gutter-Ball Q: @Yaris

25 in-cadence Side straddle hops
Baby arm circles
Good mornings
Willie May’s hayes

Grab a partner
Station 1:
100 Total Merkins
Partner 1 does 10 hand release merkins while partner 2 holds plank. Tags in partner 2 after completion of 10 Merkins until total number reaches 100.Station 2:
75 LBCs
75 2 count flutter kicks
Hold plank till 6
Then switch workout

Station 3:
Partner 1 does 50 dips on table
Partner 2 does alt step ups until partner 1 is finished. Then switches.

Circuit was performed by all PAX 2 times.

Dark Horse run to other side of park.
Stopped halfway
We then did the worst part

Bear Crawl Inch Worms
Each HIM holds the upward plank position
The HIM in the back bear crawls to the front and yells bear. Did this until Q decided it was enough.

Performed another Dark horse run almost to the Dam. Decide halfway through that run to have the person in the front politician to the back for a distance.

Got back to the court and did a round of Mary’s until the Bell rang.

TN Tussle coming up join a team if you haven’t yet.
Black ops run at Maury County will be made an AO on Wednesday.

You must take care of your self before taking care of others. Watch who you let close to you and who you become best friends with. That person impacts your life more than you know.

Close out in prayer.

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